September 25, 2021 @ 10:00am contributed by Stettler Public Library

I know that when you think of movies, you don’t think of the Stettler Public Library but you really should because today I want to talk about our movie venture: the Stettler Film Circuit.
Thanks to the Toronto International Film Festival’s Film Circuit branch, the Stettler Public Library has been able to bring you movies that can be a bit more sophisticated than your regular Hollywood fare. The Library’s current partnership with the Film Circuit started in 2015 and has brought some memorable movies to the Jewel Theatre such as “Knives Out”; “Parasite”; “Maudie”, “Rams”, and “The Grizzlies”.
You must be wondering how the films are chosen to be part of the Stettler Film Circuit. We look to see what movies are getting a lot of attention at film festivals around the country and the world. Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB are used to get a feel for the movies are doing with audiences and critics. We also know our audience and we strive to show movies that you will enjoy. No more than 4 to 5 movies are booked at a time because we want to be able to show you movies that are not available on DVD. However, that has been more difficult this year.
I’m so excited for the movies that the Stettler Film Circuit will be showing you in the next three months. Monday, October 4, and Thursday, October 7 will be the documentary “Street Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street” about the beginnings of the beloved children’s show. Monday, November 1 and Thursday, November 4 will be the movie “Percy” about a Saskatchewan farmer and his fight against one of the largest agricultural corporations. Monday, December 6, and Thursday, December 9 has Viggio Mortensen directing and starring in “Falling”. Tickets can be purchased at the Jewel Theatre the night of each showing for $10 per person. See you at the movies.