UPDATE MARCH 21: If you wish to play in the Poker Tournament this Saturday, please contact Geri by Friday at noon. If we don't get enough players, we will have to cancel this weekend. Geri via phone or text 403-741-3279, or via email gerihorne56@yahoo.com. The next Tournament is April 26.
Don't miss the Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament on Saturday, March 22, 7:00 pm at the White Sands Community Hall. All White Sands residents over the age of 18 are welcome to attend.
White Sands residents can bring guests who are visiting. Bring your own beverages.
Buy-in is $20 and re-buys are allowed through the first 4 levels. If you wish to play, please contact Geri via phone/text 403-741-3279, or via email gerihorne56@yahoo.com
Stay informed by checking out our Facebook page: WS Hall Society Facebook. In the event of an emergency, there is an AED available 24/7, located in the back vestibule of the hall.