September 16, 2021 @ 11:49 am
In an effort to connect employers with employees, the Stettler Regional Board of Trade hosted a job fair at the HUB in the Stettler Rec Centre on Tuesday September 14.
Donna Morris, Stettler Board of Trade Project Manager, said her office had come up with the idea largely by seeing employers and job seekers making inquiries on social media. When they noticed that businesses were having to shorten their operating hours due to lack of staff, they knew they needed to do something.
“I have an excellent team at the Board of Trade.” Donna Morris
Morris explained that there were 14 businesses in attendance and that more had shown interest but due to staff shortages, were unable to attend. She says that depending on the success of the event, and if the board allows, they might plan a second one for later on in the year.
In addition to local businesses, there were representatives of the Career Assistant Network and MH Employment Services which has a satellite office in Stettler at the ACAA building.
CAN Rep Ashton Selig says they heard about the Stettler event and decided to join as well as hosting a job fair in Red Deer on Wednesday the 15th at the Pidherney Curling rink.
Some businesses at the event said they weren’t quite short-handed yet, but were looking for extra staff to prevent it from happening. A few of the businesses looking for staff at the event were a pharmacy, an aesthetics business, fast food restaurants and a well servicing company.
Carson Ellis, Reporter