March 25, 2022 @ 8:40am

March has been very eventful for the Nockbusters. We had three tournaments; Wetaskiwin, Castor, and our provincial tournament in Edmonton. Everyone did well in the tournaments. The junior and senior high teams placed first in Wetaskiwin and Castor. To top off our great month, both teams placed second in provincials! We are thrilled with our overall success this season.
Considering that it was our first provincial tournament in two years (and for some, their first provincial tournament ever), we were all thrilled we placed second. The high school team only missed placing first by 8 points! Provincials are always a little nerve-racking for our archers, but we pulled through.
There was also a 3D shoot in which the junior and senior high teams both placed 4th. Everyone liked this flight, it was fun, and we all had a good time. We got to shoot various animals, such as a big horned sheep, a turkey, a coyote, a deer and an antelope. We did pretty well, even though we did not get much practice on the 3D targets. We will be shooting for first place next year.
The Edmonton Boat and Sportsman show was also taking place in the same venue as our tournament, and it was very cool! Some of the vendors had games to play, which gave archers something to do in between shooting. They also had many live animals there and some of them you could hold and get your picture taken with them! They had a tarantula, an armadillo, a variety of snakes, an alligator, parrots, and many more animals were at the show. Overall it was a pretty cool experience. Provincials were fantastic this year; we all had a great time, and we are looking forward to next year.
We were pleased with our overall placings this season. There is one more tournament in Smoky Lake on April 23rd, and we are all excited about that. That will be our last tournament of the archery season. Usually, we would have had a national tournament, but because of covid, it is cancelled.
March was busy but a lot of fun!
Article by Haley Sayles
Archer with Stettler Nockbusters