Stettler Town and Country Museum has a new fundraising event, that involves helping the community.
The Sale-a-Thon Swap Meet will be held on May 27, from 10:00am-3:00pm, at the Stettler Museum.
Due to the cancellation of the local annual rummage sale, why not have a place for people to set up their items to sell in one place? The one stop, see a lot, buy some or a lot, socialize, and eat too!
Items could be most anything, such as home made crafts, vehicles and/or parts, garage/yard sale and more!!
Pay $5 at the gate and spend the afternoon.
Sellers - Reserve a Spot
Inside 10'x10' - $20
Outside - $20 (sell a vehicle or sell from a vehicle)
Setup at 7:00am, removal 3:00-5:00pm on May 27
Bring tables/chairs as needed
For more information, call 403-742-4534 or email