Stettler Handibus provides transportation for seniors 60 years & over and Disabled Persons of all Ages.
Contact: Judy McKnight Email: info@stettlerhandibus.com
Phone: 403-742-5858
Address: 4720 - 50 St. Stettler AB Box 2097 T0C 2L0
Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am -12pm & 1:00pm - 4:30pm (CLOSED from 12pm to 1pm) Fridays- please ring bell for service
Rates In Town: Monday - Friday $6.00 each way Within County - Monday - Friday $16.00 per person each way
Tickets - $60.00 for 11 one way trips (one free with ticket) All other days & out of town rates vary.
Listing sponsored by Jewel Theatre