StettlerLocal.com May 18, 2023 at 4:55 pm
The Stettler Airport is a surprisingly busy place.
According to Melissa Robbins, Director of Operational Services for the Town of Stettler, an average of 1,500 flights landed at the local airport each year prior to the COVID-19 health restrictions.
"Flights are now returning to pre-COVID levels," says Robbins.
She says there are many reasons aircraft use the Stettler Airport, aside from personal and business flights. Crop sprayers and MedEvac units land here, as well as students from flight schools in Central Alberta.
But now, the east-west runway, which was built in the 1970s and had an overlay in the 1980s, is in need of repair work at a cost of $1.9 million.
Construction is set to begin during the summer of 2024, and the Town of Stettler has already secured the funding, according to a media release from April 26, 2023.

"[T]he Stettler Airport has received $1,481,947.50 in funding under the Government of Alberta’s Community Airport Grant Program," says the release. "Funding will be used to cover 75% of a runway rehabilitation, with the remaining 25% balance to be shared between the Town of Stettler and County of Stettler No.6."
Robbins says construction involves base rehabilitation. "The left end of the runway is frost-heaving and must be dug out," she says. "About one-third of runway will be reconstructed, and new asphalt will be installed, along with line painting."
Three main organizations contribute to the running of the airport. While it's owned by the Town, Robbins says the County of Stettler helps with major capital projects, as well as snow removal services.
"We have a very active flying club," says Robbins, "and they do a lot of work. They look after the grounds and the terminal building, and they provide aviation-related advice."
Robbins says Stettler would not have the airport it does without the support of these organizations.
The Stettler Flying Club is also hosting the final leg of the Alberta Air Tour on June 3, when approx. 40 aircraft will land at the airport around 2:30. For more details on this event, see the article HERE.
