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Night of Terror at the Boo-seum Oct. 2021

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

Masks required.

$10 per person - Cash Only.

*Do not recommend under 13 years of age

For every ticket you purchase to Booseum you get a 2 for 1 Movie Ticket Coupon for the Jewel Theatre!

When: October 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 & 30th

Phone: 403-742-4534

Address: 6502 44 Avenue, Stettler, Alberta

The 1908 Stettler School /Courthouse transforms into terror in October. A group of awesome volunteers, choose a theme, decorate (change) the building into a fun filled event “Night of Terror’. Yes, there is screaming plus more, and that is not just from the volunteers! A dedicated group of volunteers works 1000’s of hours to create a change in the building (Museum staff do not recognize the inside of the building).

Thank you to those volunteers and of course THANK YOU for allowing us the pleasure to hear your SCREEAAAMMM, it makes it all worth while.


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