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New Senior Hockey Team Pays Tribute to Legacy Team from the ‘50s & ’60s

Updated: Nov 2, 2021 September 17, 2021 @ 5:00pm

Stettler has recently added their name to the roster of teams in the East Central Senior Hockey League.

The new team is, in fact, paying tribute to a former Stettler hockey team also named The Stettler Imperials, who played for several decades before folding. According to Imperials’ staffer D.J. Kistner, there was another team in the 1970s called the Sabres, but they eventually folded.

“We wanted to pay tribute to the strong hockey history in the community.” D.J. Kistner

Kistner says the age range of the team can be fairly wide. The minimum age is 16, but there is no limit beyond that. He expects the team and the league will mostly be populated by 20-40-year-olds.

Anyone interested in trying out can sign up via the Facebook link or emailing

In addition to Stettler Imperials, the league consists of:

  • Delburne Outlaws

  • Forestburg Flyers

  • Sedgwick Sabres

  • Provost Combines

  • Irma Aces

  • Hughenden Jets

  • Oyen Eagles

  • Coronation Royals

Their home opener is set for November 6th, with a Cabaret to follow in the HUB to celebrate the beginning of the season.

Carson Ellis, Reporter


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