January 18, 2022 @ 4:40pm

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?
Both are Stettler!
Why do you (did you) choose Stettler as home?
I returned to Stettler to build a life with my husband and eventually gained a position with the Boys and Girls Club / Big Brothers Big Sisters (HYC).
What do you do? What is your full title?
Executive Director of the Heartland Youth Centre for 33 years.
Recreation Management, Mount Royal University
Have been married to Ken for 33 years with three children, three granddaughters, and 1 more grand baby due in February.
Who inspired you in your youth? As a teenager, I looked up to my high school coach, Karen Harris.
Who inspires you now?
Throughout the years, I have developed a deep aspiration for my own mother’s strength and courage.
Mary (Maaike) Blokand, my mom, immigrated to Canada from Holland with her husband and son, without knowing any English; leaving behind her family, sense of stability, and community. Together, she and her husband built a life in Stettler, establishing a local highlight: Bloke’s Bakery. Despite being a quiet woman, Mary emanated strength and courage, handling the challenges of immigration with grace and bravery.
Do you have any hobbies?
I am the definition of “busy bee”. I am always on the move: biking, swimming, running, golfing, camping, hiking, cross-country skiing, bowling, and photography are a few of my hobbies.
What are your plans for the future?
Travelling, hiking, golfing, biking, and being the best Oma I can be to all of my grandchildren.
Thank you to Winnie Bissett for participating in our Local Spotlights.