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Local Spotlight on Rhonda Gillrie

Updated: Feb 15, 2022 February 1, 2022 @ 2:20pm

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

Born in Red Deer County, grew up in Innisfail, AB.

Why do you (did you) choose Stettler as home?

I was offered an opportunity to teach a week long workshop in Stettler 38 years ago. then I was asked to stay.

What do you do? What is your full title?

Owner Operator Danceology Dance Studio ( Stettler), Artistic Director of Polar Express for Alberta Prairie Steam Train ( Stettler), Dance instructor, Three Hills Dance Celebrations & Penhold School of Dance. Choreographer for St Joseph's ( Red Deer) Musical Theatre program, Professor at Red Deer Polytech, Kinesiology Department.


BFA in Dance, Dance Educators Diploma from Grant MacEwan University. Numerous Dance related certifications in a variety of Dance Genres, Dance examiner, Dance judge, Singing groups, lots of life to live.


Married for 31 years, two grown children and a fabulous dog still at home

Who inspired you in your youth? Many people, my own parents, grandparents, dance teachers and childhood friends

Who inspires you now?

I can gather inspiration daily from all of the amazing people we have in our world

Do you have any hobbies?

Animals, hiking, gardening, painting, sewing, cooking, Archery, breathing

What are your plans for the future?

I look forward to be a part of the world that helps create unique and amazing young adults. Our world is bright I want to be a part of it.

Anything else you would like to add about being a resident of Stettler County?

Thank you Stettler for allowing me to be a part of your community for so many years

Thank you to Rhonda Gillrie for participating in our Local Spotlights.


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