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Local Spotlight on Krista Jewett Jun 21, 2022 @4:00pm

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

Woodstock, New Brunswick, but the County of Stettler has been my home for 20 years.

Why do you (did you) choose Stettler as home?

Over the years I could have moved anywhere, but the small town atmosphere and amazing people is what kept me here. The majority of residents care about others and are willing to lend a hand to those in need; that is a community I want to be part of.

What do you do? What is your full title?

Teaching Grades 4-9 English, Social Studies, Music, Options (Drama and French), and CTF in a fantastic small rural school for Clearview School Division is what I have the privilege of doing as my main profession. I am also a Fitness POUND instructor for young people and adults.


Bachelor of Education, Educational Assistant Certificate. POUND and Generation POUND certification, Music and drama


I have a wonderful partner to share my life with, Daniel, who supported and encouraged me to follow my dream of going back to school in my 40s to get my Education degree. He continues to encourage me to step outside my comfort zone, set and achieve goals I never thought I could do. We are the proud parents of four amazing and talented young people. Two of the four are my biological children, Edwin and Phillip, and two of them are my step children, Joel and Duncan. We also have several fur babies.

Who inspired you in your youth? I always looked up to my older brother Gary Cowper, and still do. He always set the bar and worked hard to achieve his goals. Gary was an all star athlete and shone in basketball, volleyball and soccer. He was also a talented musician and valedictorian of his class. After graduating and getting his degree, he went on to get his masters and then his doctorate.

Who inspires you now?

There are so many amazing people in my life, it is hard to narrow it down. I must say, I have the honor of being friends with some inspiring, amazing, strong, women who are taking the world by storm!

Do you have any hobbies?

I love acting and music, so those would be the top two on my list, but I also enjoy painting, sculpting, writing, camping, TaeKwonDo, hunting, and fishing. Fitness and health have become a huge focus in my life, so teaching POUND classe and training for a fitness competition by strength training and crossfit type workouts help keep me active and busy.

What are your plans for the future?

I am a life long learner and am continously setting career and personal goals and working on achieving them. Right now I am training for a female fitness competition (FEMSport) this summer in Calgary. My goal is to complete each event in the best time I possibly can.

Anything else you would like to add about being a resident of Stettler?

Stettler and Stettler County has been been my home for 20 years, and I can't imagine living anywhere else. It is the people that make this such an amazing place to live.

Thank you to Krista Jewett for participating in our Local Spotlights.

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