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Local Spotlight on Candidate Kurt Baker September 23, 2021 4:20pm

Why are you running?

As a resident, business owner, and parent, I have a vested interest in the continued strength of our community, economy, infrastructure, and overall quality of life.

What riding are you running for?

Stettler Town Council

What is your background?

I have a degree in Communications & Management that's been useful in operating our kitchen store on Main Street for the past 15 years. Prior to moving to Stettler, I worked in the jewelry industry, in a position that required travel throughout North America (from Alaska to Acapulco and Seattle to New York and Miami). Through those travels, I gained an appreciation for how similar we all are no matter our hometown or upbringing. In town, I’ve served as a director of the Stettler Board of Trade and Community Development for over a decade, I’ve been with Kinsmen for 6 years, and I’ve had the privilege of coaching youth soccer for the past few years. And I’ve been able to assist and contribute to many local non-profits and initiatives through our store. I think being on council simply requires a connection with the community and a desire to help, and my education and work/volunteer history have prepared me in that manner.

What do you hope to accomplish if you win?

My priorities would be to continue emphasizing support for local businesses and services and to create opportunities for youth to participate meaningfully in their community. It’s essential for us to shop local in order to keep Stettler vibrant. And it’s essential to stay connected to the area where we physically live, as we risk losing more and more of our time to ‘living' online. My vision for the community is for us to stay connected.

Anything else you would like to let people know?

I feel a key to being a good citizen is to contribute where you can, and I would welcome the opportunity to serve Stettler. I value integrity, sustainability, transparency, and accountability, and try my hardest to exemplify those qualities. I am indebted to this community for all that it has provided. My wife grew up here, moved away, and had the desire to return - and many others in this community have a similar story. I want to help keep Stettler a desirable place to live and to do business. Personally, I want my boys to have fond memories of growing up in Stettler. When people are apathetic, nothing sets Stettler apart. But when you engage and contribute, you can set Stettler apart. I want to be in a position to encourage participation in our community. The smallest amount of good-heartedness can send ripples.

Thank you to Kurt Baker for participating in our Candidate Spotlights.


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