Jul 19, 2022 @ 5:15pm

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?
I live in Camrose, AB and grew up at Elk Point.
Why do you (did you) choose Stettler as home?
My husband & I currently live in Camrose where we have lived for the past 15 years. We transferred to Camrose for my husband's work. Camrose also appealed to us because it was a central location which was near our families yet was not too large of centre for raising our own family. Since our move to Camrose, I accepted a teaching position in Bashaw where I remained and commuted for the past 10+ years. My time there reminded me of all the wonderful components a small rural community has to offer, similar to the one I grew up in. In choosing to spread my own professional wings, I became excited for the opportunity to continue working in smaller communities thus putting my name forward for the principal role in Botha. While we are not planning to move yet, it certainly is a possibility down the road now that our own children have grown up and moved out on their own.
What do you do? What is your full title?
I am an educator. I have taught grade 2 & 3 for the past 12 years. I have also maintained the role of Vice Prinicipal at Bashaw School for the past 4 years. I will now be the Principal at Botha School while also teaching.
Completed my Education Degree through University of Alberta with a Major in Elementary Generalist & Minor in Early Literacy. As of June, 2022, I also completed my Masters through the University of Calgary. My research studies focused on Mental Health & Wellbeing of children, youth as well as educators. I am an inquisitive person by nature so always looking to learn and grow. I do this through taking on classes I am personally interested in, reading books, watching speakers, attending different personal and professional development sessions. I learn from those around me and look to be part of groups or teams. I ask questions, seek understanding and try new things to continually be the best version of myself possible.
My husband (Jeremy) and I have been married for 26 years. We have three wonderful children who are all grown up now. We even get the excitement of becoming grandparents for the first time (twice!!) with two of our children expecting their first baby first this fall and then this winter!
Who inspired you in your youth? My dad along with my baba & guido
Who inspires you now?
Still my dad hands down! My baba & guido are no longer with us, but they also continue to guide who I am. I am also inspired to continue living with strength and spirit in honour of my mom who passed away 7 years ago. My inspiration also comes from many other places now such as siblings, friends and colleagues.
Do you have any hobbies?
I have lots of hobbies as I love to be busy in some shape or form. I enjoy being outdoors: working in my flowerbeds or camping. I like being active so try take part in different forms of working out, bike rides, or walking/hiking. I also enjoy needle work and have started learning how to quilt. In 2020 I bought my first motorbike and my husband & I have started to go on more rides together as I have gotten better at operating my bike. I also enjoy reading or spending time in the kitchen baking/cooking. In addition to spending time with family, I also love spending time with the dog we rescued several years ago!
What are your plans for the future?
My plans for the future are simple. I plan to make it the best I possibly can by embracing opportunities, continue learning & growing personally and professionally, and treasuring time with family & friends.
Anything else you would like to add about being a member of the community in Stettler County?
I am really excited to be part of the community through my role with Botha School and Clearview School Division.
Thank you to Candace Hodder for participating in our Local Spotlights.