Our summer flyers are being released this week. Scroll through to take a look at all of the incredible activities we have planned for your teens this summer.
Art Camp & Kid Tech Nation: August 14-18, 2023
Summer registration is Thursday, June 8. The registration link and more information will be shared the week of registration.
WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE OFFER: We are a not-for-profit, charitable organization that offers social recreational programs to 6 - 18 years. We are not child care based. Sign your children or youth up for programs they want to attend.
HYC MEMBERSHIP: An annual membership is required to participate in all HYC programs. Memberships cost $20/person or $45 for families with 3 or more children. Additional costs (if required) are listed. Member families are asked to complete 10 volunteer hours per child (max of 20 hours per family).
SUBSIDIES: Our goal is to provide opportunities to all children and youth in our area - we do not turn children and youth away if they cannot afford the fees. Subsidy and fundraising options are available.
ADDITIONAL NEEDS: HYC is a safe, inclusive & fun space for all. Every effort will be made to assist children & youth with additional needs, to adapt our programming, to help solve any concerns that arise, and to provide referrals to other support agencies if appropriate.
Our programs fill up quickly, so register early. If programs are at capacity, your child will be placed on a wait list. You do not pay while on wait listed activities. We will call you if a space opens up.
12 year-old members may not attend RAD Day Camps AND Teen Activities - they must choose one program or the other.