StettlerLocal.com May 27, 2023 at 8:25 pm
Stettler hasn't always been top of mind when it comes to making movies.
But when you look at the geography of Stettler County – surprisingly varied landscapes, vintage buildings, good access to highways – the question becomes, Why not film here?
"Stettler is truly a unique community," says Lara VanLanduyt, Communications Officer for the Town of Stettler. "Our Main Street is full of charm and character, with plenty of the unique storefronts and structures that production companies often seek out."
VanLanduyt points to local landmarks, such as the historical courthouse and the P&H Elevator, as optimal shooting locations.
Yet, it's one thing to have film-ready locales, but it's another to woo filmmakers to the area.
"We are currently in the process of populating the Alberta Film Commission Library," says VanLanduyt, "which allows production companies and location managers to search for locations in Alberta based on characteristics and key words."
The Film Commission Library hosts a comprehensive database of film-ready towns. "Alberta is 882,000 square kilometres of film-friendly, eye-catching, camera-loving space," says the website.
It's no idle boast, because the Alberta film industry is becoming increasingly lucrative. In 2020, the provincial government introduced the Film and Television Tax Credit which, according to rdnewsNOW, has brought $1.7 billion from 129 productions to the province.
So. How does one make a movie in Stettler, Alberta?
The Town has created a page on their website with filming procedures. Although film permits are free, production companies must provide information about their shoot, including the number of cast and crew, potential street closures, and proposed filming schedule.
General liability and auto insurance policies – each with at least $1,000,000 coverage – are also required.
The Town has established hours for "filming, move-ins, move-outs and related activities", which are 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Monday through Saturday, and 9:00 am - 8:00 pm on Sundays and holidays.
VanLanduyt is confident filmmakers will see the creative possibilities of the area.
"Our modern amenities and thriving retail sector makes Stettler a natural fit for filming," she says.
