September 3rd, 2022 10:00am

Protecting Plants from Frost
It is that time of year when gardeners start dreading the annual ‘frost warnings’ on our weather apps. Like it or not, winter is coming, and living in Zone 3B means it comes early and often with a vengeance.
Many vegetable crops are not ready for a complete harvest (tomatoes and pumpkins), and we are not willing to give up on our flowering planters for the season. Be prepared for how to protect these plants from the coming frost.
For more extensive plantings such as rows of vegetables, a light blanket or sheet may be enough to protect the leaves from frost. Cover the plants early in the evening, and uncover the next morning once the risk of frost has passed. Do NOT cover plants in plastic sheeting as this can actually make frost damage worse.
Move potted plants indoors or close to your house or garage. The thermal mass of the buildings is often enough to keep most plants from frost.
Protect smaller tender plants from frost by covering them with a bell-shaped plastic cover or ‘cloche.’ Be sure to pin it to the ground, so the wind doesn’t blow it away.
Lift and store tender perennials (such as dahlias, gladiolus, cannas and geraniums) after the first light frost kills the leaves. The clean bulbs or rootstock will keep in paper bags in a cool dark place in your home (basements work well) until it is time to plant again next year. Geraniums should be misted occasionally to retain their health.