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Clearview Public Schools Board Highlights, June 2023

Clearview Public Schools Trustees

Leadership Highlights

  • Superintendent Leys and Trustees have visited a number of schools over the past three weeks including Erskine and Whitesand Colonies, Byemoor School, Brownfield School, Donalda School, Stettler Elementary School and Wm E Hay Stettler Secondary Campus. “These visits are a great opportunity to interact with students and staff,” says Scot Leys, Clearview Superintendent. “And to see, first-hand, the great work that is happening at our schools!”

  • Administration and trustees have also enjoyed the opportunity to attend and celebrate grade nine farewells and graduations across Clearview and are looking forward to the events that are scheduled in the next week.

  • Many field trips are underway in Clearview as school wraps up this month. Senior administration and the Board are pleased to see students having these important learning experiences and extend their gratitude to the staff and volunteers that make these year-end trips possible.

  • Professional Day Planning is underway for the 2023-24 School Year and areas of focus will include Literacy & Leadership training.

  • Superintendent Leys is pleased to announce that Clearview will be working closely with First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) Liaison, Jason Sansegret, to help guide the Board and strengthen the Division FNMI programming.

Participants from the Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus French Trip presented to the Board. Teachers Joy Corpataux & Bob Poapst and students Ellery Robbins, Will Snodgrass and Kylar Cornelson shared highlights of their recent trip to Quebec via slideshow. They also talked about being immersed in French culture (language, food & traditions) and learning first-hand about historic events. By all accounts, it was a hugely successful and memorable trip. The Board appreciated hearing about their experiences and recognize the educational value of well-planned and supervised trips such as these. The trustees also extended their gratitude to the students, staff and parent volunteers that made this trip to Quebec possible. The Board received an update on Clearview’s communication plan. Communications is a valuable tool for Clearview in building and maintaining key relationships with families, staff, community members and partners. Clearview currently employs a variety of communication strategies including traditional media & advertising, online communication and social media platforms. Through the work of the Communication Coordinator and Communications Committee, Clearview will continue to share information to parents and stakeholders using a variety of communication tools. The Board of Trustees accepted the analysis for the Wm E Hay Stettler Secondary Campus Middle School Value Scoping. With this analysis comes a change to Clearview's Three-Year Capital Plan. The Board has chosen Option 2 of the report as their first priority, with an estimated cost of $96 million, in preparation of completing the ten-year and three-year capital planning. Click HERE for details. This plan is for Alberta Education planning purposes and capital funding is provided through the Alberta Government's Annual Budget. Clearview’s Recognition Night was a huge success. Clearview recognized long service award recipients, retirees, and the Clearview Star winner on May 31st in Castor. Clearview has received positive feedback from the attendees regarding the evening. The Superintendent and Board expressed appreciation to Clearview’s staff for organizing the evening, and for success in honoring Clearview’s staff and other award recipients. Clearview student presented with Provincial Bus Safety Poster Contest Award. Stettler Elementary Kindergarten student, Ava Molendyk, is the provincial winner of the Alberta Student Transportation Advisory Council's School Bus Safety poster contest - 'Make the World Green, Ride Yellow'. Clearview Trustee, Greg Hayden presented Ava with a plaque and a $25 Indigo gift card. Stettler Elementary school received the framed picture to display at their school and a $100 cheque to go towards a field trip.


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