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Big Valley Outriders 4-H Club November 29, 2021 - Contributed by Chase Andersen - Club Reporter

The Big Valley Outriders 4-H Club held its organizational meeting on October 28 at the Stettler Agriplex. This year we have one senior, five intermediates, three juniors and three cleavers. Our main project leaders are Monty and Dawn Gertner, and our general leader is Twila Buchwitz.

At this meeting, we elected our executive for the year as follows; President: Ryder Buchwitz, Vice President: Wyatt Elder, Secretary: Huck Watson, and Treasurer: Addison Rock. Our club is looking forward to many fun upcoming events.

The members had a great day on November 11, working on theory, safety, dismounted skills, mounted skills, as well as roping the heel o'matic and improving their roping. After that, members discussed their goals for the year. Lastly, we did our Christmas name draw for our upcoming party on December 23.

On November 25, we had a friendly competition to see which group could identify the most parts of the horse correctly using stick-on labels. We also learned how to measure our horse’s vitals such as capillary refill, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, weight, and height.

The future events our club members are looking forward to include skating, Christmas party, regional fun day, neon bowling, providing community service, goat dummy making clinic, horsemanship clinic, roping clinic, and lots more riding and learning!


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