Janurary 19, 2022- Contributed by the Village of Big Valley

Council Meeting Highlights from January 13, 2022 meeting
Josee Methot from the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance (RDRWA) attended Council to present information on the importance of the RDRWA. If you would like more information regarding this, please contact the office.
The Operating and Capital Budgets were tabled to a future Special Council meeting. Please watch for the advertisement of the date for this upcoming Special meeting.
Mayor Houle will be attending a meeting with Clearview Schools for each local government to share what is going well for their municipality, as well as anything he would like to share on challenges and opportunities for partnerships or education opportunities.
The Village’s Employee Policy will include employees of the Village to pay for their own PCR tests to attend any functions that require it.
The Snow Removal Policy saw a change for plowing to occur at 2.5 cm from 7.5 cm.
Approval from Council was given to Reckseidler Films to film their scenes for the movie called “Ties that Bind” at the Train Station and area. Please watch for a partial street closure proposed on Sunday, February 13, 2022, any other pertinent information for this will also be advertised. (Alternative proposed date is Saturday, February 19)